Tuesday 28 January 2020

Not in our name

Israel Folau has signed a one-year contract with the Dragons.

Only someone living as a goat in the Outer Hebrides could have missed why this is big news. His use of social media in the most flagrantly homophobic ways led to the termination of his contract with the Australian quinzistes and since then the question of what he does next has been floating about, specifically in terms of coming to Super League.

Over the years, the Dragons have acquired a certain reputation as a home for wayward boys and girls* with the likes of Bird, Carney and Edwards finding a place to hide away from indiscretion and continue plying their trade. In those three cases, however, there was an element of redemption about things. Bird in particular became quite the leader and reformed character. Edwards too, having quit the drink and, since his move to Huddersfield, opening up about his issues with alcohol.

Folau, in an ironically un-Christian turn of events, is entirely unrepentant. Grossly homophobic posts are still up on his social media accounts and no apology - apart from the professionally drafted non-apology - has been forthcoming.

Rugby League is a game forged out of injustice and, from there, inclusivity. This flies in the face of that. So much work has been done in regard to LGBTQ+ inclusivity in the game lately to the point where players feel comfortable enough to come out publicly - in stark contrast to many other sports - that this really does stick in the craw.

"I'm a proud Christian", says Folau, "my intention is not to hurt anyone and I will not be making further public comment about them". This writer was brought up a Christian. It's possible to be a Christian and not be a complete dick about it. Also, nowhere in my Christian education was I told to kick down at persecuted minorities; indeed, quite the opposite. Furthermore, not making any further comment suggests he has no willingness to learn why he's a dick or even who he's being a dick to. If he truly wanted to understand why his comments are so hurtful - maybe learn from this, become a better man, a better Christian - that would be a different matter. But by saying he's drawing a line and that's that, it clearly isn't his chosen path. That path to redemption that other miscreants have grasped is being spurned.

By signing Folau, the club are at best tin-eared on this. It's hardly saying that gay people are welcome to be part of the club. They've really dropped the ball here.

Folau is a Dragon, yes. But not in our name.

* extremely niche '60s pop reference. Ask your dad.